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Jennifer Ann's Journey with cacao

Jennifer Ann, has developed a very deep and nurturing relationship to cacao and plants in general. She is an ongoing student of medicines of the earth, including herbals, bodywork, breathwork and more natural healing remedies.


She continues to learn and discover information creating a more extensive and complete view on cacao as a healing plant for functional, as well as ceremonial ways of application. She is currently renouncing her 'old' ways of following religions ( as well as ancient traditions) of any kind and allowing her relationship with God to flourish in a new way, to understand and teach about the plants of the earth.


She has studied herbals medicines and wild forging and continues to learn, as it is such a vast area of study. This creates the basis to understand how plants can work as healing agents.


She has studied with different master plants under supervision of tribes since 2006.

Tribes she has worked with: Shuar (Ecuador), Native American Church ( USA),  Huni Kuin (Brasil), Shipibo (Peru), Yawanawa ( Brasil), Wirarixa (Mexico). â€‹

She currently discontinued working with the master plants, but integrates these teachings into her work and have had a huge influence on her own development and current workfield.


She has simultaneously started her journey working with cacao during one of her travels to Bali in 2015. Cacao came into her life, as a bright arrow that pierced through her soul. During her first cacao ceremony, she discovered the strong, yet gentle nudge to explore, play, heal and integrate all the teachings she had gathered so far. She was able to go deep into her self discovery, as well as into communal prayers for humanity and the earth. It was a deep homecoming, that to this day continues to develop.


When she came back to Europe, she was almost directly asked to hold cacao ceremonies. Since 2015 she has shared cacao ceremonies in different forms and shapes, including music, breathwork, bodywork and other practices for selfhealing and creativity. She has explored ceremonial settings with 10 to 600+ people. Understanding the different ways of conducting and working with cacao in variaties of  groups sizes and locations.

Since 2015 she has studied and explored deeper into the teaching of cacao in Guatamala, Peru, Mexico and Brasil. She is currently weaving the ancient teaching with the modern scientific sides of cacao, moving away from any religious connotation of cacao and focussing more on the practical applications.


She has discovered the complexity and claims that are being made from indigenous tribes and new age community. Jennifer Ann is trying to overcome the differences and create a full spectrum into the ancient, as well as modern teachings. 

Cacao ceremony is a modern term, it has not been 100% verified by ancient tradition. We currently  assume it has an integral part in ancient history, due to archeological finds and old scriptures that contain the hieroglyphs for cacao. Science is still discovering more information and who knows where this will lead our global community of cacao towards.


One thing that we can conclude is that cacao is currently very popular in a global community and gaining popularity every year. Modern society is re-discovering the healing properties of cacao and how it can assist our modern society in a more balanced lifestyle. In this process we are also discovering new ways of honoring and working with this ancient plant.


Jennifer Ann is currently working with a artesian chocolate maker in Amsterdam. Producing a ceremonial grade cacao, learning about the very hands-on process of producing cacao and all the shapes, forms and smells cacao produces in her transformational process from bean to bar.


In this way, Jennifer Ann keeps exploring the different sides of working with cacao as well as cacao making. She's weaving and creating the most complete research she can, to learn herself and also transfer her knowledge to others.








I got so much LOVE for this sister! There’s a power, wisdom, force that comes with her voice, with her presence. So grateful to be able to witness and experience her sharing, it feels like a gift from the heavens. "Pablo Castro"

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